Improving Fiscal Outlook for Connecticut

December 7, 2022

I am pleased to report that responsible budgeting and major structural changes made to pension and teachers' retirement plans are putting Connecticut on much more solid fiscal ground and saving taxpayers billions in debt payments.

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House Special Session

November 29, 2022

With many families in Connecticut facing added financial strain due to rising prices, the legislature went into special session earlier this week to provide some relief. A bipartisan bill passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Lamont extends the current suspension of the gasoline tax, provides additional funding for energy assistance programs, and continues premium pay for frontline workers.

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Bonus Payment for Childcare Workers

October 13, 2022

As a thank you for their tireless work, Connecticut childcare workers will soon receive bonus payments. Governor Lamont released $70 million in state funding for the Wage Supports for Early Childhood Educators program. Through this program, full-time childcare employees will receive $1,000, and part-time employees will receive $400.

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New Laws Go Into Effect October 1

September 30, 2022

This weekend, several new laws in Connecticut will go into effect on October 1. These laws are a result of my colleagues' hard work during the 2022 session. Below are just some of the laws that will take effect and what they mean for you.

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Funding Secured for the Middletown Riverfront

September 27, 2022

I am pleased to announce Middletown will receive new state funding for the "Return to the Riverbend" Project. This is a great investment for Middletown and will help us realize the long-awaited goal of a revitalized riverfront.

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Scam Alert from the Connecticut Department of Labor

August 26, 2022

​​​​​​​I want to alert you about a recent communication from the Connecticut Department of Labor (CTDOL) on a series of text scams that include links to fake webpages resembling CTDOL unemployment pages, including the unemployment benefits login page.

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New State Laws Effective July 1

June 29, 2022

A number of new laws passed during the 2022 legislative session will implement positive and meaningful change in our state, and many took effect on July 1.

There is a link below for a complete list, but here are some highlights:

July 1 2022

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