The Early Stages of Session

February 23, 2024

It’s been quite a busy week as we continue to raise bill concepts, discuss the language of the proposals, and attend hearings, all in the service of determining which legislation will be moving forward this session.

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The Session Has Started!

February 9, 2024

It’s official; the Connecticut General Assembly is back in session! Wednesday was our opening day, and we will go right through to midnight on May 8th.

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Legislative and Local Updates - February 02

February 2, 2024

With less than a week from the 2024 Legislative Opening Day, I’m spending most of my time meeting with stakeholders to learn their priorities for the upcoming short session. This includes advocates, agencies, boards and constituents. We gavel in on February 7, and cast our final vote before midnight on May 8.

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Operation Fuel Application Period Now Open

January 11, 2024

If you're struggling to pay utility bills, Operation Fuel may be able to help. Operation Fuel's energy assistance program opened this week for the Winter/Spring season. Applications will be accepted until March 1 unless available funds run out before that date.

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New Laws Set to Take Effect January 1

December 28, 2023

As we ring in the new year, there are some laws that become effective on January 1 that were passed during the 2023 legislative session addressing key issue areas including early voting, health and mental health, and online privacy and data protection.

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Legislative and Local Updates - Decemeber 22

December 22, 2023

As we are now right at the Holidays, the winter season will be getting colder and colder. Many of us will struggle to keep our homes warm, so don't forget the great resource provided by the state of CT with its energy assistance program.

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Remembering Sandy Hook

December 14, 2023

My heart is very heavy today, as it is every year on this date since 2012. Eleven years ago we lost 26 innocents in the most horrific way, including 20 first graders. My son was also in his first grade classroom that day, here in Ridgefield, and not a single milestone of his has passed since then when I haven’t thought of the parents of the children who were taken from them that day. Their children didn’t get their drivers licenses this summer, and aren’t writing their college essays or planning for their lives after high school. Their children won’t be celebrating the holidays with them, once again.

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The Future of CT's Electric Vehical Standards Plan

December 1, 2023

On Tuesday, November 28, Governor Ned Lamont held a press conference to address his decision to remove the vote on our Electric Vehicle (EV) Transition Plan from the Regulation Review Committee's agenda. He explained what all of us on the Climate Caucus have echoed: this is only a bump in the road towards a cleaner future.

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