Updates from State Rep. Chris Poulos - June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024

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Dear Neighbor, 

Thank you to all who attended my recap of the 2024 Legislative Session on Wednesday at Southington Community Cultural Arts (SoCCA). As always, I enjoyed the conversation, answering your questions and hearing your concerns. That makes me feel even more equipped to continuing representing our great town at the Capitol thanks to everything I learn during these events.

Please continue reading below for other noteworthy items, and thanks as always for taking the time to read them!

New Laws Effective July 1

Several new laws that I want to make you aware of become effective on July 1

New laws include mandatory video cameras at absentee drop boxes as part of sweeping legislation to ensure election security, allowing firearm sellers access to the arrest records of potential buyers under 21, prohibiting the selling of a person's health data without their consent, and requiring the departments of Social Services and Public Health to post a reporting tool on their websites that use a five-star system to compare nursing homes.
Additional laws include requiring social media companies to comply following a request to unpublish and delete accounts held by minors. The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) will have a mobile crisis-response vehicle available 24-7.

New Laws Effective July 1

Lastly, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your calls, emails, and testimony at public hearings. They had a direct influence on these new laws. I encourage you to continue sharing your views and make your voice heard during the legislative process.

Replacing the SHS Track

The track around the Southington Turf Field at Southington High School is being replaced this summer and construction should be completed no later than September 15. The track and the turf field will not be available for use during this time by residents, sports programs, or the general public. 

A $500,000 grant from the Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) grant is helping with this project. I was happy to lead a letter of support from the Southington legislative delegation after Town Manager Mark Sciota had contacted us about the grant proposal.

As always, I committed to supporting our municipal leaders as they navigate state agencies like the Office of Policy and Management, which administers STEAP grants, in an effort to fund important projects in our town.

Annual PK-12 School Staff Appreciation Digital Backpack Program

The Connecticut State Department of Education is pleased to announce the third annual PK-12 School Staff Appreciation Digital Backpack Program, which runs through August.
As in prior years, this program will provide special discounts to all PK-12 public and private school staff, including Adult Education program staff, over the summer months. This year, school staff from across the state can take advantage of discounts at sporting events – from the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox to Hartford Athletic and Hartford Yard Goats, museums, breweries, and much more! To view a complete list of participating businesses and how to access each discount, please refer to portal.ct.gov/digitalbackpack.
Eligible public and private school staff include bus drivers, paraeducators, administrators, school nurses, teachers, school nutrition staff, school counselors, school psychologists, custodians, and everyone who plays a part in the school ecosystem.
Businesses still interested in offering discounts through this program may sign up at portal.ct.gov/digitalbackpack until July 31.