Latino and Puerto Rican Voices for Climate Action

October 20, 2023

I'm advocating for our black and brown neighborhoods that are disproportionately affected by climate change. Keep scrolling to see how Latino legislators are trying to take action.

I am also speaking with my colleagues and experts about possible solutions to help our growing homeless population in Fairfield County. Please read below to learn more about the panel I attended.

Please contact my office if you have any questions or comments about the items in this newsletter.

Have a great weekend!

Latino and Puerto Rican Voices for Climate Action
I joined a group of Latino and Puerto Rican advocates, experts, and legislators to discuss the importance of tackling climate change. From increased urban flooding to water and air pollution, it is no mystery that black and brown communities are disproportionately affected by climate change. Studies show minorities are more likely to suffer from asthma because they live in cities with poor air quality.
Click Here For Breakdown on Climate Change Affects on Hispanic & Latino Individuals

I was raised in El Salvador and grew up eating organic meals under mango, coconut, avocado, and lemon trees. To this day, I hate seeing trees cut down because they can provide food for hungry families and shelter from storms, which are only intensifying.

The Connecticut Legislature passed its first Environmental Justice law in 2008, and this year we successfully passed an updated version. Despite that progress, we still need to do more in the upcoming session to clean up our communities and prevent polluters from causing more damage.

There are now 17 Latino legislators representing our great state in the House of Representatives. We know what it's like to not be heard and that is why we are bringing our voice to the State Capitol. We are prioritizing Environmental Justice legislation because everyone deserves to live in clean, healthy, and sustainable communities.


Experts, my colleagues, and I advocate for Environmental Justice legislation.
Fighting Against Homelessness

I was honored to speak at a meeting about ending homelessness organized by the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness and Fairfield County Coordinated Access Network (CAN). I sat alongside many colleagues, nonprofits, and state workers who are trying to find solutions daily.
We discussed the need to build more affordable housing and provide more mental health resources. According to a recent report, homelessness rose for a second straight year in our state. Many of them are dealing with some kind of mental illness, which can be intensified by the stress of not having a home.
This is a trend that we can counteract. For many years, our state saw a downward trend in its homeless population. We need to work together to find solutions so we can get back to that.

Drop in Crime Across Connecticut
Connecticut is one of the safest states in the country, and a new report provides more detail about the downward trend in crime between 2021 and 2022. According to the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection’s Crime Analysis Unit, there was a:
  • 4% reduction in overall crime
  • 13% reduction in violent crime, including a 13% reduction in homicides and an 18% reduction in robberies
  • 3% reduction in property crimes

Additionally, the report finds that over the last 10 years, overall crime in Connecticut has fallen significantly.

Click Here For More Statistics
Apply Now for the Legislative Internship Program

The Connecticut General Assembly Legislative Internship Program is looking for new candidates! CLICK HERE if you are interested in joining the program for Spring 2024. It's a great way to learn about your state government.

The application deadline is November 1, 2023.

The program offers Connecticut college students the opportunity to learn how state government works through first-hand experience in the legislative offices. Interns earn college credit for their work in the Connecticut General Assembly and gain exclusive access to the legislators and insight into the policy making process.
Statewide Gun Buyback Event

On Saturday, October 28, several police departments around the state will participate in the third annual Connecticut Statewide Gun Buyback and Gun Safe Giveaway Day, including Stamford PD.

The event will be held from 10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. at the Stamford Police Department on 725 Bedford Street. Please look at the flier below for more information.