Funds Coming to Our District

July 7, 2023

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Dear Neighbor,

It was with great pride that I saw the State Bond Commission fund two critical projects in the 40th district: a $125,000 grant to support the relocation of the Eastern Connecticut Chamber of Commerce from Waterford to downtown New London, and over $275,000 for new electric vehicle stations.

Moving the Eastern Connecticut Chamber of Commerce to New London helps residents in the short and long term. The Chamber sees the great opportunities New London has for even more economic success, and this is the latest sign of our community's immense potential.
I also applaud the funding of new electric vehicle charging stations in New London. Through this funding we're encouraging the use of electric vehicles, which will reduce our carbon footprint and promote a cleaner and more sustainable future for New London. Thank you to the State Bond Commission and Governor Lamont for their support in this forward-thinking initiative.
If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns, I can be reached by phone at 1-800-842-8267 or by email at For legislative updates, please like my Official Facebook Page.


Christine Conle


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