Let's Talk About It: Tackling Agriculture in Connecticut

March 10, 2023

On the latest edition of my weekly public affairs show, “Let’s Talk About It,” we dug deeper into the agricultural challenges we are facing after U.S. Senator Chris Murphy’s visit to CLiCK in Willimantic.

Sen. Murphy has relaunched his Our Farm Bill listening campaign. He met with farmers from all over the state last week to discuss their priorities and listened to their concerns about securing farmland and ensuring nutritional benefits for children and families.

As for the radio show, the Dean of the UConn College of Agriculture, Indrajeet Chaubey, and the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, Bryan Hurlburt, talked about supporting agriculture in Connecticut.

One helpful tool is the Farm-To-School Program, which connects students with farms and provides workforce development. They acquire skills to become successful while learning more about how food is produced and distributed in our state.

Please click below to listen to the entire show!

Experts break down what steps the state is taking to tackle agricultural issues in Connecticut.