Proposal to Bring Relief to Low-Income Workers

January 30, 2023

I am in full support of a proposal boosting the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) from 30% to 40%. A boost to that rate will provide an additional $44.6 million in state tax credits to approximately 211,675 qualifying low-income households, above the amount they are currently receiving under the program. 

Increasing the tax credit is one of the best things we can do at the Capitol to support low-income workers who are providing for their children. The infusion of additional funding to the local community will expand job opportunities, provide economic stability, and help future generations.

CLICK HERE for more information.

Additionally, low income people and families will not receive the benefit of the EITC unless they file their federal and state income tax returns. Free assistance to help with filing your tax returns will be provided through the IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Please make sure to sign up for an appointment at the Windham Heights Apartments on 70 Boston Post Road in North Windham.
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