Rep. Delany Legislative Update 3/21

March 22, 2022

Greetings Neighbor,

While our country and our community are still facing turbulent times, Spring is right around the corner and I ask all of us all to stay resilient and hopeful and the pursuit of brighter days.

I have returned from completing my obligations with the U.S. Army, and I would like to thank everyone who reached out to wish me a safe return.


I am happy to report that my time with the Army was very productive. I spent my time in uniform training Soldiers and advising my command on Public Affairs Planning, Communications Issues, and current events.


Since Returning home I have spent the last week getting back to my duties in the CT State Capital.


Here are a few of the updates from the last two weeks:


Here in Stamford, I stood up to spread awareness on sending supplies to the humanitarian crisis in Eastern Europe and have attended hours of public hearings.


In the Capital, I joined my colleagues for the session last Wednesday. I had the honor of helping to re-nominate some of Connecticut’s judges, and I cast my vote for the bills that I believe will best serve our community.


Below is a more detailed summary of the bills that were debated and voted on and the actions I took.



           HOUSE SESSION, MARCH 16, 2022




HB 5262

The House passed HB 5262, An Act Revising Certain Absentee Voting Eligibility Statutes, to make it easier for voters to vote absentee if they're feeling unwell, worried about their health, or out of town on Election Day.

Voting is a fundamental right that ought to be fair and accessible, but Connecticut's voting laws are needlessly restrictive when it comes to voting by absentee ballot.

To be eligible to cast an absentee ballot, current law requires voters to have a physical disability or illness that prevents them from voting in person or be out of town for at least 14 hours on Election Day.

No voter should ever have to choose between protecting their health and exercising their right to vote. This proposal eases some of the eligibility restrictions for absentee ballots so that more residents can choose this method to cast their ballot.

I encourage you to track this legislation as it moves forward for a vote in the Senate. I will keep you informed with further updates. 














HJ 107

With the House passage of HJ 107, the State's Plan of Conservation and Development is updated to ensure that even as we battle the lasting effects of the pandemic and other challenges, Connecticut continues to commit to building a more sustainable, adaptable, and resilient future.










HB 5271

In response to the pandemic, the state temporarily allowed permits to increase and expand outdoor dining to offer residents a safe way to support their favorite local businesses. As we continue to adapt to our ever-changing environment, the House passed HB 5271 to extend the popular provision through next year and further allow restaurants the ability to safely rebuild their customer base.







I had the honor to confirm the re-nomination of  Judges Rupal Shah, Frederic Gilman, and Eliot D. Prescott. Click here to watch.







session watch

This session, we'll have the opportunity to continue addressing the fallout of COVID-19, make Connecticut more affordable for working families, and advance Connecticut's recovery.




Wednesday, March 16, was Small Business Development Center Day. Small Business Development Center Day celebrates the positive impact that the development centers have had on small and local businesses. Last year, the 28 Connecticut-based centers helped launch 184 businesses.
Small and local businesses are the backbone of our communities. These are the places where many of us have created lifelong memories. They are owned by people we love and respect - our neighbors, friends, and family.
Over the past two years, businesses of all sizes have experienced financial losses, but smaller ones were disproportionally impacted. As we start to turn a corner and return to normal, we need to ensure that these places have the resources and support necessary to thrive.

We hope to build on the progress made last year and continue to push for further reform during this session.
If you are a small business owner and are looking for assistance, please check out the
CT SBDC website for more information. They have a plethora of resources, including webinars, tips for expanding your customer base, and more!




Connecticut and the nation have seen gas prices increase at an alarming rate during this time of global unrest and the effect of market volatility on commodity prices.

While price fluctuations are expected, there are some unscrupulous businesses that exploit these conditions to gouge consumers at the pump.


The practice of charging unconscionably high prices immediately before market disruptions that cannot be attributed to additional costs is illegal in our state.

If you believe a business is engaging in price gouging, you may file a report with the Office of the Attorney General online at or call 860-808-5318.


If you have any issues, concerns, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at 860-240-8585 if you ever need anything or by email at






Hubert Delany