Danbury House Dems Achieve Perfect Score From CTLCV

February 23, 2022

I am proud to share the press release below with you. I also would like to send a special thanks to the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters for recognizing our work.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                           Contact: Desmond Conner

February 22, 2022                                                                                                                    860-240-8742



Lawmakers' scores based on pro-environment positions


State Representatives Bob Godfrey (110th District), Ken Gucker (138th), David Acronti (109th) and Raghib Allie-Brennan (2nd) received a perfect score of 100 on the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters' 2021 Environmental Scorecard.


The Scorecard aims to hold lawmakers accountable for their positions on issues related to the environment and puts a focus on priorities for the next session.


The CTLCV works with environmental organizations across the state to identify and track important bills in producing the Scorecard and works with advocates and legislative champions to move the issues through the legislature.


"In the challenging era of climate change, it has become critically important that we address clean air, clean water, and clean soil," Rep. Godfrey said. "Yes, we think globally, but must act locally in our home state. I'm excited to be a part of the good fight. We must take care of mother earth."


Environmental Scorecard 100 percent


"I am proud of the work and our voting record last legislative session on environmental issues critical to the long-term goal of preserving and protecting our planet," said Rep. Arconti. "Thank you to the CTLCV for their continued commitment to holding lawmakers and others accountable."

"One of the earliest lessons every scout learns is to take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints. I have carried that mantra throughout my personal life, as well as during my time as a legislator. I have made it my priority to maintain the natural landmarks in our community, such as the lakes in the parks, and it is wonderful that the other members of the Danbury delegation are similarly committed. I will continue to fight for legislation that will protect these resources for future generations," said Rep. Gucker.

“I was proud to bring critical pieces of legislation to the House Floor last session, including An Act Concerning the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program, which offers businesses a tool to pay for zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and resiliency measures, to address the climate crisis,” said Rep. Allie-Brennan. “I’ll continue to work with my colleagues to advance legislation that protects the health of our air and water, combats pollution, and grows renewables.”

The Scorecard wasn't produced in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Reps. Allie Brennan, Godfrey and Gucker received scores of 100 in 2019. Rep. Arconti notched a score of 90 percent.

