Legislation Passed 4/26/21

April 28, 2021
Yesterday, the State House was in session in Hartford and it was a very productive day. We voted on 17 important pieces of legislation, each with bi-partisan and often unanimous support. I was a very proud supporter of the work we did and want to highlight some of that legislation for you below.
The Long Island Sound Blue Plan, HJ 53 takes inventory of all the natural resources surrounding the Sound in order to develop a plan that preserves our marine ecosystems. It is extremely important for our community here in Fairfield that we do everything in our power to protect the Sound. This bill is an important and meaningful step in that preservation.
An Act Establishing a Workforce Development Pipeline For People With Disabilities, HB 6121, which I am a very proud co-sponsor of, will create a workforce pipeline to generate more employment opportunities for CT’s residents with disabilities. Not only does this benefit our neighbors with disabilities, it also benefits Connecticut’s economy. 

As a member of the Aging Committee, I was glad to see the legislation we introduced regarding virtual nursing home visits, HB 6552, receive bipartisan support. This bill allows nursing home residents to connect with family and loved ones through technology. This legislation is critical to continue connecting residents with their loved ones throughout the pandemic and beyond. 

The Connecticut Parentage Act, HB 6321, which I co-sponsored, protects the legal rights of ALL families, regardless of how they are formed. Currently, Connecticut is the only state in New England without protections for non-biological parents to secure a legal relationship with their child. With this law, Connecticut will provide support to all LGBTQ+ parents seeking adoption and provide protection to all children with non-biological parents. 
An Act Concerning the Removal of COVID-19 Related Layoffs from the Unemployment Compensation Experience Account, HB 5377, protects employers from paying costly unemployment insurance for layoffs incurred due to COVID-19.

An Act Encouraging Anaerobic Digestion Facilities, HB 6503, is another bill that I was happy to co-sponsor, which will benefit our economy and environment! These facilities break down food waste, manure, and other organic products to produce fertilizer, heat and electricity. Food waste is the single largest component taking up space in US landfills so diverting this 22% of waste into an energy-making facility is a win-win.