Fairfield Zoning Forum

April 7, 2021

There is a great deal of concern around the proposed legislation that would make some changes to zoning. I shared many of the concerns that were raised and thankfully, most of them were addressed through the committee process. Of note, as of 2 weeks ago, the following bills did not make it out of committee: HB-6612, HB-6613, SB-1027, and SB-1068 and HB-1024 did make it out of committee but section 6, which allowed for certain “as of right” multifamily development was eliminated.

Last Wednesday, I hosted a forum on the bills that did make it out of committee. I welcome you to watch it and share your thoughts. https://fb.watch/4QghN7x2bJ/

I look forward to continuing this conversation as the remaining bills work through the legislative process. If you have any questions about anything discussed or not discussed, please reach out to me at jennifer.leeper@cga.ct.gov. These are extremely important issues for our community and state.