Stop Price Gouging

March 13, 2020

As Connecticut focuses on containing the coronavirus, the Office of the Attorney General has received multiple complaints regarding large price hikes in basic supplies like hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes.

Mientras Connecticut y nuestro país trabajan para contener el coronavirus, la Oficina del Procurador General ha recibido múltiples quejas con respecto a grandes aumentos abusivos de precio en suministros básicos como desinfectantes para manos y toallas desinfectantes.

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Coronavirus Information

March 9, 2020

The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is still developing. Our state leaders will be providing more updates as they become available, but in the meantime, be sure to take necessary precautions that have been shared over the last few weeks to take care of your health and protect others.

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Coffee Hour in East Haven!

February 25, 2020

Please join me next Tuesday, March 3, for a coffee hour event in East Haven. I will be available to meet with constituents from 5:00pm to 6:30pm at Dunkin Donuts - 704 Foxon Road.

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Community Conversation

February 19, 2020

I will be joining with my colleague, Senator Looney for a coffee hour in New Haven to hear thoughts and concerns on issues that matter most to our constituents.

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2020 Major Issues Report

January 15, 2020

The non-partisan Office of Legislative Research recently published the 2020 Major Issues report, which summarizes key issues the legislature could take up during the upcoming session.

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Happy New Year!

December 31, 2019

As we bring 2019 to a close, I wanted to say thank you again for all your support throughout the year! That support will be the fuel I use to get more done in 2020 when it comes to the issues that matter to you.

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