Local Student at National Convention & Register To Vote!

September 26, 2024

The president of Connecticut Student Democrats shared her experience at the National Convention on my weekly radio show. Please keep scrolling to learn more about this amazing college student's path to politics.

I encourage everyone to register to vote before the November election. Read below to find out how you can do that online immediately.

Governor Lamont announced that Connecticut pension funds generated $6.7 billion in the past fiscal year. I'll will provide a deep dive into why this announcement is such a benefit to everyone in our state.

Here are the sections in today's email:

  • Let's Talk About It: President of CT Student Democrats
  • Register to Vote!
  • Encouraging Returns from CT Pension Funds
Let's Talk About It: President of CT Student Democrats
We spoke with a 20-year-old local college student, who has a bright political career ahead of her, on my weekly radio show “Let’s Talk About It.” Jennifer Croughwell is the leader of both Connecticut & Eastern Connecticut State University (ESCU) Student Democrats. She gave us a closer look at her extensive political experience and pulled the curtain back on what it’s like to be at the National Democratic Convention in Chicago.
Jennifer Croughwell has an impressive resume especially considering that she is still an undergraduate student studying political science and sociology at ESCU. In addition to the leadership roles listed above, Croughwell is an active member of the Windham Democratic Town Committee and serves as the campaign manager for Renee Waldron who is running for the open seat in the 51st district, which includes Putnam

As part of her role as an elected official, Croughwell attended the National Democratic Convention which fueled her patriotism and inspired her to support the party across the country. She had the opportunity to meet fellow Democratic students, connected with professionals, took part in trainings, and so much more.

Be sure to click on the video below to listen to the entire show and learn more about Croughwell's political experience!

Jennifer Croughwell, the leader of Connecticut Student Democrats, discusses her her time at the National Democratic Convention.
Register to Vote!
Registering to vote is just the beginning in your journey to casting a ballot. CLICK HERE to register right now or to ensure your registration is up to date with the Secretary of the State’s Office!

The state is also offering help to those who do not know their registration status or where to find their voting location. CLICK HERE for that information.

Talk to your friends and family about registering to vote and ask them what their voting plan is for November. Discuss transportation, time off work, or any assistance they might need to cast a ballot. If you chat about those important items and remind them of the importance of their vote, they are more likely to take part in the upcoming election.

Encouraging Returns from CT Pension Funds

Connecticut pension funds generated returns of 11.5% for the most recent fiscal year. That is a gain of $6.7 billion. This outstanding news from Governor Ned Lamont and State Treasurer Erick Russell means we can:

  • Save taxpayers money immediately and in the future
  • Guard against the impact of future down markets
  • Accelerate the steps to pay down inherited legacy pension debt
The continued improvement in Connecticut’s pension fund performance means we can free up revenue to fund valuable economic growth and social programs. This means we can dedicate more significant investments in childcare, building more housing, fixing our aging roads, bridges, and highways.
Click here for more information