North Central CT EMS Council Receives Funding

June 18, 2024

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Dear Neighbor,

Great news!

During its meeting on Friday, the State Bond Commission approved a $400,000 grant to North Central CT EMS Council. The funding will be used to upgrade the Public Safety Dispatch Console used for Coordinated Medical Emergency Direction (CMED) in the North Central region. I requested this funding with the support of the North Central CT legislative delegation.
North Central CT EMS Council is a private-nonprofit agency that is primarily funded by 27 cities and towns in the north central region.

I am thrilled that the North Central CT EMS Council will receive funding to establish a top notch, fast responding emergency communication system that will help save lives.

Please feel free to contact me at the Capitol at 1-800-842-8267 or by email at - also please like my Official Facebook Page for news and legislative updates.



Henry Genga


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