Highlights of Our Legislative Accomplishments

August 8, 2024

It is such an honor and privilege to serve as your state representative, and I am deeply grateful for the trust you have placed in me to advocate for our community’s needs and aspirations. Reflecting on our recent legislative sessions in the General Assembly, I am immensely proud of what we have achieved together. Our collective efforts have increased funding for higher and early-childhood education, mental health, and nonprofits while preserving historic tax cuts.

In 2023, we passed a bipartisan biennium budget that includes:

  • Largest income tax cut in state history
  • Biggest investment in public education ever
  • New supports for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Expansion of debt-free community college
  • Protected safety net programs

In 2024, we protected those tax cuts and doubled down by investing millions of federal funds in:

  • Higher education - $160 million with a path to grow to $200 million
  • Early childcare - $21.8 million
  • Mental health - $24 million
  • Nonprofits - $50 million

Millions of dollars are coming to Stamford in Fiscal Year 2025:

  • $36 million in total state funding
  • $20 million in education funding
  • $7.6 million in PILOT funding
  • $2 million in a one-time ARPA allocation
  • $1.8 million in supplemental revenue sharing
  • $1.2 million in funding for Stamford roads

As House Chairman of the Government Administration and Elections Committee, I was thrilled to lead on some of our most important legislation including:

  • Protecting election workers from harassment, threats, and doxing
  • Banning foreign spending in Connecticut elections
  • Increasing election security and transparency

I also co-authored and helped lead passage of legislation holding utility companies accountable by requiring:

  • Increased public notice and cooperation with affected municipalities and property owners
  • Utilities to submit more robust, detailed, and transparent financial and engineering analysis for proposed projects and reasonable alternatives
  • The Siting Council to perform cost-benefit analyses for projects and reasonable alternatives, as well as evaluate their cost-benefit related to ratepayer costs and long-term CT plans of development
More highlights affecting childcare, seniors, veterans, and more
As we look ahead, I remain committed to working tirelessly to ensure that our community continues to thrive and that our voices are heard in the halls of government. Please contact me using any of the links below if you have any questions on the laws we passed or if there is legislation you think my colleagues and I should be working on. Your ideas and perspective are our most important guidance. Thank you for your continued support and engagement.