Honoring the Victims of Sandy Hook

December 14, 2022

Ten years ago today, we lost 26 lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School - and even ten years later, I think we can all agree that the memories of that day remain clearly in our minds.

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How's My Child's School Doing? - Virtual Session 12/14

December 12, 2022

The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) will be hosting a virtual and interactive learning session for parents and families to learn how to use CT EdSight on Wednesday, December 14 from 5PM-6PM. If you haven't heard about CT EdSight yet, it's a great resource to better understand how your child's school and district are performing.

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Deadlines Approaching: Grant Funding Available to CT Farmers

December 5, 2022

The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (DOAG) administers many grant programs that are beneficial to farmers and farmland in our state and our towns. I wanted to share two of these programs with you: the Farmland Restoration Grant and the Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry Grant.

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Reminder: Federal Disaster Assistance Available for Farm Operators

October 11, 2022

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved Governor Lamont's request to expand the natural disaster declaration for certain parts of our state due to the summer drought that has continued through fall. Agricultural producers in all 8 Connecticut counties are eligible to apply for assistance through the Farm Service Agency to help offset production losses resulting from the drought.

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Federal Disaster Assistance Approved!

October 5, 2022

I'm so pleased to announce that we just received word from Governor Ned Lamont that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved Connecticut's request to expand the natural disaster declaration. This approval means that Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, New London, and Windham counties have each been designated as primary natural disaster areas due to the drought - with New Haven and Tolland being named "contiguous disaster counties."

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