Bipartisan Spending Stabilization Plan (Day 7 of 7!)

May 8, 2024

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Dear Friends,

We made it to the final day of session, and that means the final day of 7 Days, 7 Bills! It's been great to walk you through some of the great legislation passed this year, and I look forward to keeping you up to date on the work I do for our district.

The final bill I want to highlight is HB 5523, a bipartisan spending stabilization plan that will ensure our two-year state budget's historic tax cuts are protected, and we invest in the priorities that matter to you.

Remember, the two-year budget includes:

  • The Largest Income Tax Cut in State History
  • Investments in Public Education
  • New supports for the IDD community
  • Expansion of Debt-Free Community College
  • A Strong and Vibrant Safety Net of Programs

We used remaining federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to provide support to some important priorities such as:

  • Higher Education - $160 million
  • Early Childcare - $21.8 million
  • Mental Health - $24 million
  • Nonprofits - $50 million

I’m also excited to share that together with my Children’s Committee Co-Chair, as well as other Reps and Senators, we rallied to formulate a plan to feed our reduced-lunch students for FREE next school year, providing extra help to children and families who need it most. In my district, that breaks down to:

162 Cheshire children!

466 Hamden children!

318 Wallingford children!


Additionally, the federal ARPA funding includes $350,000 allocated to rehab the Cheshire Health District building, eliminating that burden from local taxpayers.

All that PLUS we are putting more than a billion dollars into the state's Rainy Day Fund and paying down pension debt!

I am proud to report that Connecticut is set up to succeed financially in the present as well as the future. 


Liz Linehan

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