Supporting Our Seniors (Day 5 of 7)

May 6, 2024

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Dear Friends,

It's day five of 7 Days, 7 Bills, and today we're taking a look at HB 5001 - An Act Supporting Connecticut Seniors and the Improvement of Nursing and Home-Based Care.


As the elderly population steadily grows, there is an urgency to provide resources and assistance to this community. The House took a significant step to achieving that goal by passing HB 5001, a top priority for House Democrats this session. 

HB 5001, which passed with bipartisan support,  protects and prioritizes elderly residents in our state. This bill: 

  • Makes it easier for seniors to age in place
  • Creates a nursing home database, providing consumers with an easy and reliable way to compare locations around the state
  • Establishes incentives to encourage nursing homes to improve care

I am glad to support a bill that gives seniors the attention and resources that they deserve. The bill now moves to the Senate for its consideration.


Liz Linehan

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