2021 Constituent Survey

The 2021 Legislative Session begins on January 6th. During this time, I will face many tough choices which is why it is so important for me to get feedback from you about the most pressing issues facing Orange, Woodbridge, and Derby. I hope you will take a few minutes to complete this survey and help me better represent our district at the state capitol.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you or your family is in need of assistance or if you would like to share an opinion with me. It’s an honor to serve as your state representative and I look forward to hearing from you about ways we can improve Connecticut for all of us.

What concerns you and your family the most?
Please rank from 1-13 by importance with 1 being most important
What can I do to help you and your family?
Please check all that apply:
What can I do to help you and your family
Here are some of the bills that are being proposed right now; where do you stand?
Questions Support Oppose
How can state government help create more good-paying jobs?
How can state government help
Every so often, I find myself saying “there ought to be a law.” Now is your chance to suggest a bill that the legislature should consider. What are your ideas for what we should be working on at the Capitol? Additionally, what is the biggest challenge your town is facing?
Contact Information