Historic Investment In Equity

June 11, 2021

I was so proud to work with Speaker Matt Ritter and my colleagues on the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus to develop the Community Investment Fund 2030, a 10 year/ $2.5 billion-plus investment in historically underserved and marginalized communities.

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SB 1 Passes the House!

June 3, 2021

The House sent a powerful piece of legislation to the Governor’s desk. S.B. 1 declares that racism is a public health crisis in our state.

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Online Gaming Takes A Step Forward

May 21, 2021

I am pleased to announce that Bridgeport was prioritized in the recently passed legislation that brings the state a step forward in online sports wagering. I’ve been a fierce advocate for gaming expansion and for legislation that will allow Bridgeport to reap the benefits of any expansion in the state. A sports betting facility will be located in Bridgeport and I look forward to future opportunities and jobs that this legislation will ultimately provide.

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A Productive Session

May 14, 2021

I am pleased to have been able to join with colleagues to move important legislation forward last session. Here I highlight items that I supported and were passed out of the House of Representatives.

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Red Flag Law

May 14, 2021

Connecticut enacted our country’s first “Red Flag” law in 1999 following a devastating mass shooting at the Connecticut Lottery.

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Help With Broadband Access

May 5, 2021

The Office of State Broadband, within the Connecticut Office of Consumer Counsel announced it is working to help build consumer awareness about the Emergency Broadband Benefit, a new Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program. The temporary benefit will help to lower the cost of broadband service for eligible households during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic.

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