Violations of Executive Orders

May 6, 2020

It has come to my attention that some local businesses in the towns I represent may not be abiding by the closure rule, allowing patrons to gather in public against the advice of health experts and against the direct authority of the government. Putting your own desires before the wider community good is not an expression of your freedom or your rights as an American, as I have read on Facebook as justification for these violations.

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State Re-Opening Plan

May 1, 2020

Now that the state has experienced about two weeks of a downward trend in new COVID-19 hospitalizations, the Governor and an advisory council charged with re-opening the state have set a goal of May 20 for the beginning of the process.

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Update on Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation

April 29, 2020

The Connecticut Department of Labor has been working as quickly as possible to process the unprecedented amount of unemployment claims it has received since the start of this pandemic. The DOL has processed more than 350,000 of the 420,000 applications it has received since mid-March. This incredible turnaround is due in large part to dedicated staff and updated software that has hastened the process.

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Relief for Student Loan Borrowers

April 24, 2020

Governor Lamont recently announced that Connecticut - in partnership with seven other states - has worked to secure relief for those who have student loans through private lenders and are not covered by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. 

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