Celebrating Women's History Month

March 9, 2022

Since 1987, the month of March has been recognized as National Women's History Month. This offers us all the opportunity to recognize and reflect on how women in our personal lives and throughout history have impacted us individually and collectively.

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Bringing Manufacturing Home Town Hall

March 7, 2022

The stricter environmental standards are the better it is for everyone in terms of public safety, resilience, real equity, and sustainability. The more jobs we create, the stronger our economy will be, the better will be our financial resilience, sustainability, and economic justice.

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Right to Counsel Program

February 8, 2022

Connecticut has launched a statewide Right to Counsel (RTC) program that will make available attorneys FREE to eligible tenants at risk of eviction.

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Temperatures Are Too Cold For Your Pets

January 19, 2022

As the city recently worked on tethering, and as we work on the state level on tethering and adequate shelter for our companions, please be aware and mindful of the impact of the weather conditions on the voiceless that live with us. 

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Relief for Essential Workers

January 19, 2022

The Connecticut Essential Workers COVID-19 Assistance Fund is now up and running. It was authorized by the legislature in June for the purpose of easing the financial burden on essential workers who became ill and were unable to work, or died, between March 10, 2020 and July 20, 2021.
The program assists with:

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Earned Income Tax Credit Boost

January 19, 2022

Governor Lamont announced Wednesday that nearly 200,000 low to moderate income families will receive a boost in state income tax credit. The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services is retroactively enhancing the EITC from 23% of the federal credit to 41.5%, utilizing the final portion of the State's $1.38 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund.

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