Demanding Action on Gun Violence

May 27, 2022

In almost half a year, more than 200 mass shootings have occurred in the United States. It is unthinkable that our country and communities continue to mourn the loss of innocent lives - children, elderly, worshippers, shoppers at supermarkets and malls - to senseless mass shootings.

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Baby Formula Shortage and Helpful Resources

May 17, 2022

The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) is utilizing numerous options to assist families across the state access baby formula during the nationwide shortage. The formula shortage started last fall due to supply chain issues resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. It was exacerbated in February when Abbott recalled powdered formula manufactured in its Michigan plant and temporarily shuttered it. 

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House Passes CT Clean Air Act

April 30, 2022

We have long championed measures that promote a healthier environment and I am pleased to share that finally, S.B. 4 – a measure that now heads to the governor's desk for signing, is an important step forward in that direction.

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Let's Talk About Whitewater Park

April 29, 2022

Whitewater Partnership Director Jana Butts Roberson joins us for this episode of "Let's Talk About It" to highlight the Partnership's community-minded work. The Whitewater Partnership has inspired community groups from all over our region to donate their time and money to create and clean up this unique downtown whitewater park. This year, Senator Flexer, and Representatives Johnson and Smith secured $500,000 in state bonding to the Whitewater Park to so they continue to improve this beautiful area.

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House Passes Children's Mental Health Bill

April 27, 2022

Today, in the House, we passed a historic bipartisan bill aimed at addressing the immediate, intermediate, and long-term needs of the children's mental and behavioral health system in Connecticut, a priority during the 2022 legislative session.

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Let's Talk About Windham Schools

April 22, 2022

Windham Public Schools Superintendent Tracy Youngberg joins us for this episode of "Let's Talk About It" to discuss how the state has become more connected with Windham Schools and how the Board of Educations is working with the town and state to better meet Windham students' needs.

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