State Capitol Update for the Week of February 22

February 26, 2021

The House was “in session” this week, which means that we were “sitting” as a body to debate and vote on bills.  I put “sitting” in quotes because, while we were usually seated, we were not seated as a body in our traditional, and beautiful, House chamber.

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COVID Update 2.23

February 23, 2021

The biggest piece of news this week concerns vaccine distribution.  Yesterday the Governor announced that the next group eligible, starting on March 1, will be those aged 55 to 64, as well as teachers and childcare workers. 

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COVID Update 2.17

February 17, 2021

As we work to get as many Connecticut residents vaccinated as we can, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the many of you in our communities who have been helping neighbors, friends, family members, and other residents navigate the tricky system of enrolling, registering, and getting vaccinated.

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COVID Update 2.10

February 10, 2021

Dear Neighbor,

Today the Governor gave his much-anticipated budget address, and as I write this the legislative proposals that underpin it are being released, and we are all busily digesting them. 

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COVID Update 2.3

February 3, 2021

My home office “security system” consists mostly of a collection of multi-hued post-it notes on the back of my door. My home office is next to the kitchen, the noisy hub of family life, and it contains the only printer and most reliably available office supplies and chargers, so sometimes I have to mark my boundaries in order to concentrate on the business at hand.

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