PA 24-34 Signed into Law

May 23, 2024

Last December, Mary Consoli knocked on my front door. Mary is a retired nurse who has been a long-time friend, and who has worked with the League of Women Voters' absentee ballot program for many years. She had a tale to tell.

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Danbury Delegation Celebrates Funding

May 13, 2024

I'm proud to say we passed a bipartisan spending stabilization plan that will ensure our two-year state budget's historic tax cuts are protected, and we invest in the priorities that matter to you. In total, over $56 million will be coming to Danbury! Please watch this video to learn more

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Child & Family Nutrition Bill Clears House Unanimously

May 2, 2024

I'm committed to the health and well-being of our community’s families and children by joining my colleagues in the House of Representatives to unanimously pass HB 5003. This comprehensive legislation ensures mothers and children who are eligible for federal benefits, such as WIC, are enrolled in these programs with ease and confidence. This bill aims to reduce barriers to participation in WIC.

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Helping Support Our Disabled Veterans

April 30, 2024

Veterans put their lives on the line for our country and, as a small way to say “thank you for your service,” the House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill that would support Veterans who have been disabled during service. As a Navy veteran, this bill was incredibly important to me.

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Supporting Our Seniors

April 29, 2024

As the elderly population steadily grows, there is an urgency to provide resources and assistance to this community. During Monday's session, we took a significant step to achieving that goal by passing HB 5001, a top priority for House Democrats this session.

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