PA 24-34 Signed into Law

May 23, 2024

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Dear Neighbor,

Last December, Mary Consoli knocked on my front door. Mary is a retired nurse who has been a long-time friend, and who has worked with the League of Women Voters' absentee ballot program for many years. She had a tale to tell.
Last year, a man in Danbury fell and broke his foot while handing out candy to trick-or-treaters on Halloween. He went to the emergency room the next morning. The medical staff took care of him. But hospitals (and insurance companies) don't admit patients like this. He was discharged to a nursing home, where he spent the next three weeks on the mend.
He has been a regular voter. So, he applied for an emergency absentee ballot, something in state law for decades. Sadly, he was denied, because the statute applied only to those who were in the hospital, not a nursing home. Shouldn't the law reflect 21st century medical and insurance practices?
I agreed.

(Left to Right) Mary, me, and former state representative Lynn Taborsak at my alma mater, Immaculate High School 
I asked Representative Matt Blumenthal and Senator Mae Flexer, the co-chairs of our Government Administration and Elections Committee, to bring Connecticut up to date. They did. Mary testified on HB 5308 at the public hearing. The committee voted favorably and unanimously. The House and Senate voted for the bill unanimously, becoming Public Act 24-34.
Governor Lamont signed the act into law on May 21st.
That's a civics lesson. Mary brought a problem to the legislature. She and I proposed a solution for it.  My colleagues responded. It has become law. Congratulations, Mary!
If you or someone you know requires assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at the Capitol at 1-800-842-1902 or email me at


Bob Godfrey

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