June 17th Updates: Back to Work Initiative, Info on Indoor & Outdoor Gatherings, and More

June 17, 2020

I want to pass along some important information and updates on the state's response to COVID-19 and reopening Connecticut, as well as information on a variety of other topics.

For the most up-to-date information from the State of Connecticut on COVID-19, including an FAQ and other guidance and resources, visit

Don't forget to sign up for CTAlert, the state’s emergency alert system, which provides text message notifications. To subscribe, text the keyword COVIDCT to 888-777.

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A Statement from Rep. Jillian Gilchrest on Racial Injustice

June 2, 2020

We live in a society where some residents have greater protections and privileges based on the color of their skin. Racism is deeply imbedded in many of our laws, practices, and institutions.

As a mother, I am deeply troubled by the murder of George Floyd and countless other black men, women, and children at the hands of law enforcement. My heart breaks for communities of color who seek the same happiness and freedoms as I, promised to them by this country, only to see their lives devalued time and again.

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