Health Care Assistance for Paraeducators

September 7, 2023

Paraeducators provide critical and direct support to teachers and students, which makes them an integral part of the school ecosystem. That is why I am happy to share that the Paraeducator Healthcare Subsidy Program will provide $5 million in financial assistance and increase access to quality health care.

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Small Business Grant Opportunity

September 5, 2023

SeCTerRise is a highly competitive grant program, funded through the Department of Economic and Community Development, designed to help small businesses grow in southeastern Connecticut. Grants will be awarded to businesses for projects that will have a measurable impact on the business, its growth and profitability. Businesses may apply for a grant of up to $20,000.

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Building on Our Skilled Workforce

August 31, 2023

During the 2023 legislative session, we successfully passed a number of measures, which will enhance and support our skilled workforce and make our state more attractive for companies and new businesses.

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Health Insurance Rate Increase

August 22, 2023

I want to share with you the testimony Rep. Anthony Nolan and I submitted to the Connecticut Insurance Department regarding our opposition to health insurance rate increases in 2024.

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Delivering for Higher Education

August 15, 2023

We have made significant strides in supporting higher education and ensuring a brighter future with opportunities, support, and financial relief for our students.

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Protections for the Elderly

August 10, 2023

During session, we successfully passed legislation that protects and supports individuals in the state who are in the twilight years of their life. Unfortunately, as the elderly population steadily rises, scam attempts against that community also increases. To help shield our older residents from being victimized, we passed PA 23-161, AN ACT CONCERNING FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION OF SENIOR CITIZENS.

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