
Eligibility For Stimulus Funds

April 15, 2021

This year’s extended tax deadline, May 17th, is just over a month away. Filing your taxes is more important than ever to ensure you receive critical federal stimulus money that may be available to you.

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Renters' Rebate Program Opens April 1st

March 31, 2021

The Renters' Rebate program opens April 1st, and runs through October 1st. This program provides rental reimbursement to elderly and disabled residents in need. These rebates can be up to $900 for married couples and $700 for individuals. The amount is based on a graduated income scale and the amount of rent and utility payments (excluding telephone) made in the prior calendar year.

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BPRC Hard At Work

March 25, 2021

It is an honor to work with a great group of legislators from across the state that day-in and day-out put our communities first in everything they do. This legislative session poses unique challenges, but the important work of representing our constituencies moves forward.

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Emergency Rental Assistance

March 16, 2021

Apply for UniteCT, a rental assistance program supporting Connecticut residents.
Solicite ayuda con UniteCT, un programa de asistencia de renta ayudando a residentes de Connecticut.

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The American Rescue Plan

March 15, 2021

President Biden signed the American Rescue plan into law which includes economic relief for working families, extended unemployment benefits, millions of dollars for education, support for small businesses, funding for municipalities, an aggressive national vaccination program to help contain COVID-19 and much more.

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Concepcion Appointed Chair of Executive and Legislative Nominations

March 4, 2021

I am honored to chair this committee this legislative session and to be able to play a role in facilitating the appointment of key positions that have a direct impact on Connecticut residents. I would like to thank Speaker Ritter for having the confidence to place me in this position and I look forward to the work ahead.

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