Connecticut's Sales Tax Free Week

August 15, 2019

Summer is coming to a close and kids will soon be heading back to school. To help working families prepare – and save – Connecticut offers its annual Sales Tax Free Week. From Sunday, August 18 through Saturday, August 24, you can save on clothing and footwear - and send your kids back to school in style! 

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Education and Children's Issues

August 9, 2019

This summer has been very productive and I continue to attend meetings, workshops and conferences that are being held by agencies throughout the state. At the beginning of session, I was tapped to serve as co-chair of the CT Kid’s Report Card Leadership Committee, a group of diverse key stakeholders charged with providing the legislature’s Children’s Committee with input that promotes the well-being of our state’s children. 

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BioScience News!

August 1, 2019

We passed several laws this year that will help the growing technology and the biosciences industry with the goal of making it easier to do business and attracting more companies to Connecticut.

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Office Hours

July 24, 2019

I hope you can come join me this Friday morning from 8:00am to 9:00 am at Shoreline Cafe - 1247 Main Street - to talk about this past legislative session and address any concerns or questions you may have.

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Leaders announce Care4Kids Rate Increase

July 17, 2019

I am pleased to have joined the Office of Early Childhood, colleagues and children’s advocates for the announcement of a significant rate increase for the Care 4 Kids program that helps low and moderate income working families in Connecticut afford childcare.

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Epinephrine Bill Signed Into Law

June 25, 2019

Expanding public access to epinephrine was something we worked hard on throughout session and I am thrilled to say that today we made the stock entity bill even more official with the Governor's signing ceremony!

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