Bridgeport Caribe Youth Leaders Helping Displaced Families

March 5, 2020

I recently got together with administrators of the Bridgeport Caribe Youth Leaders (BCYL) to talk about the positive outcome of state funding we were able to get in 2018 for families displaced by Hurricane Maria. In this series of videos, we highlight the indispensable work that BCYL is doing to help the families transitioning in Bridgeport. We also interviewed families that recently came here as a result of the recent earthquakes that have damaged homes and upturned lives. I want to also thank the late Representative Ezequiel Santiago who helped fight for the funding that even today is still making a difference.

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Proposed Federal Cuts For CT

February 25, 2020

The chaotic state of affairs in Washington D.C. can often feel distant from the day-to-day issues that come up in our lives. However, it's important to stay up to date at the federal level because decisions made there can have a direct impact on vital services and programs for residents across our state. Perhaps no better example of this dynamic exists than in proposals concerning the federal budget.

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Scam Alert!

January 28, 2020

A fellow state representative received a voice mail message I wanted to share and warn you IS A SCAM! My colleague called the number for verification and was surprised at how smooth and professional they seemed on the phone. He was almost ready to offer his credit card information when he suspected it did not make sense.

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