Be Prepared for Hurricane Season

July 8, 2021

The long hurricane season began June 1st and is expected to be an active one. Connecticut has largely been spared from major hurricanes in recent years – for that we are thankful – but residents should always be prepared.

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New Laws That Took Effect July 1

July 2, 2021

Over 100 new laws in Connecticut will go into effect today, July 1st. These laws mark the tireless work put in by my colleagues and I over the past few months. We all worked hard to listen to your concerns in order to advocate for you in Hartford.

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Passage Of The State Budget

June 11, 2021

The 2021 Regular Legislative Session has come to an end, and I couldn’t be prouder of the work we have been able to accomplish as we all learned new and unprecedented ways to stay connected with each of you. This session, we passed a $46.4 billion biennium budget with a $2.3 billion surplus that is strong on taxes, offers relief from the ravages of COVID-19, helps jumpstart our economy, and invests in our cities and towns, nonprofits and working families.

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Historic Investment In Equity

June 11, 2021

I was so proud to work with Speaker Matt Ritter and my colleagues on the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus to develop the Community Investment Fund 2030, a 10 year/ $2.5 billion-plus investment in historically underserved and marginalized communities.

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SB 1 Passes the House!

June 3, 2021

The House sent a powerful piece of legislation to the Governor’s desk. S.B. 1 declares that racism is a public health crisis in our state.

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Online Gaming Takes A Step Forward

May 21, 2021

I am pleased to announce that Bridgeport was prioritized in the recently passed legislation that brings the state a step forward in online sports wagering. I’ve been a fierce advocate for gaming expansion and for legislation that will allow Bridgeport to reap the benefits of any expansion in the state. A sports betting facility will be located in Bridgeport and I look forward to future opportunities and jobs that this legislation will ultimately provide.

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