Weekly Update - May 10th

May 10, 2024

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Dear Neighbors,

The 2024 legislative session is over. We had a lot of wins. We had some losses, including the comprehensive climate bill. We couldn't get that one over the finish line, but the fight on that one is not over. 

I am extremely happy to announce that $5 million in additional funding will be coming to Norwalk via a bipartisan spending plan hashed out this week. Those are just some of the highlights included in this week's newsletter. Please scroll down and follow along.

Warm regards,


 An Additional $5 Million Secured for Norwalk 
Bipartisan Spending Stabilization Plan Passes
We passed a bipartisan spending stabilization plan, ensuring our two-year state budget's historic tax cuts are protected. We invest in the priorities that matter to you.
Remember, the two-year budget includes:
  • The Largest Income Tax Cut in State History
  • Investments in Public Education
  • New support for the IDD community
  • Expansion of Debt-Free Community College
  • A Strong and Vibrant Safety Net of Programs

We used remaining federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to provide support to some important priorities such as:

  • Higher Education - $160 million
  • Early Childcare - $21.8 million
  • Mental Health - $24 million
  • Nonprofits - $50 million

We are putting more than a billion dollars into the state's Rainy Day Fund and paying down pension debt.

I am proud to report that Connecticut is set up to succeed financially in the present, as well as the future. 

Bills Passed in the House, Scenes from 2024 Legislative Session 
The 2024 session ended on Wednesday, and what a session it was! We got a lot of good bills passed in the House and fell short on others. Please click on the image below to see them, and scroll down further for some scenes from the session.
Another Thank You to All Who Responded to I-95 Accident 
Being born and raised in Norwalk, and as a member of the Transportation Committee, I was pleased with the quick response of the firefighters, and first responders as well as many others, including South Norwalk Electric Works (SNEW), which was instrumental in shutting off power, and cleaning up the water from the gas spill on the highway, and many others. Thankfully there were no water quality issues or supply problems.

SNEW will continue to monitor tank levels carefully, although it does not anticipate any issues. I-95 was open in both directions much sooner than we initially anticipated. As I mentioned, there are many people to thank for their outstanding efforts to keep the highway open, including some I was proud to stand with and recognize on Monday. Please click on the video below.

A Call to Action for #Ayiti (Haiti)
I would like to thank Diana Malette-Revolous, Shineika Fareus, and my colleagues for joining me in addressing issues facing Ayiti (Haiti) at a press conference recently. You know, this is Haitian Heritage Month.

We should certainly celebrate the country's vibrant culture, art, and delicious food - but we must also acknowledge that Haiti is struggling, and could use our help in demanding support on a federal level.

The local Haitian community is hoping Connecticut can be a leader in fighting for the three asks it seeks from the federal government to help it thrive.

The first is equitable funding, which is crucial in providing immediate relief and long-term solutions to address the root causes of Haiti's challenges. Education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic development are fundamental pillars, on which Haiti's recovery and prosperity depend. By investing in these areas, it can create a foundation for lasting change, and help break the cycle of poverty and vulnerability that has plagued the nation for far too long. The funding ask is 600 million dollars.
Firearm trafficking from the United States to Haiti is an issue the community is asking to be addressed and to offer Haitians the same services and resources as the other humanitarian parole programs that are offered to others.

Happy Mother's Day!

Here’s to the moms! Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing moms out there.

As always, feel free to call me at 1-800-842-8267 or email me at Travis.Simms@cga.ct.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Also, please like my official Facebook Page for regular updates.


Travis Simms
State Representative


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