Mental Health Awareness

May 24, 2024

For mental health awareness, I would like to share important tips from the Mental Health Foundation for when you are feeling stressed.

šŸ§ Realize when it is causing you a problem. You need to make the connection between feeling tired or ill, with the pressures you are faced with. Donā€™t ignore physical warnings such as tense muscles, over-tiredness, headaches or migraines.
šŸ§ Identify the causes. Try to identify the underlying causes. Group the possible reasons for your stress into those with a practical solution, those that will get better anyway given time, and those you canā€™t do anything about. Try to let go of those in the second and third groups ā€“ thereā€™s no point in worrying about things you canā€™t change or things that will sort themselves out.
šŸ§ Review your lifestyle. Are you taking on too much? Are there things you are doing which could be handed over to someone else? Can you do things in a more leisurely way? You may need to prioritize things you are trying to achieve and reorganize your life so that you are not trying to do everything at once.
šŸŒRead more on how to manage and reduce stress here:Ā
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