Some Great Funding News for Ansonia & Derby

May 7, 2024

We've been working hard in Hartford to protect historic tax cuts and major investments in the community. I want to highlight some particularly special funding assignments for the 104th and funding related policy updates to best serve our community. I was able to secure funding for Ansonia and Derby for multiple projects and issues we have in our district!

Funding and policy updates include:

$1,708,681 in new, increased education cost share dollars that will go to Ansonia and Derby schools.
$750,000 in one-time state relief funding for Ansonia which I negotiated and secured, in light of the city's forfeiture of Motor Vehicle Tax Reimbursement funds (Derby did not forfeit their Motor Vehicle Tax Reimbursement payment).
$100,000 of state funding for improvements at Gatison Park.
$100,000 for the continued, free teen programming the state is sponsoring through the Boys & Girls Club for students of both Ansonia and Derby High Schools.  Currently, over 150 teens are registered for this program!

I was also able to coordinate $25,000 from CCAT for Derby public schools which will allow for the continuation of the college level two year advanced manufacturing training program at Derby High School provided in conjunction with Housatonic community college.

I also secured the continuation of funding to pay volunteer fire companies--including Ansonia and Derby fire companies--for call response on limited access highways such as Route 8 (a program I proudly authored, which has brought over $80,000 to the Ansonia and Derby fire companies so far).

Not only was I able to secure this funding and advantageous policy updates, but I also supported the historic tax cuts for middle and working class families in the Biennium budget as well as increases to the earned income tax credit, child tax credit, and elimination of taxes on social security, pensions, and annuities for seniors, amongst other important items.

I'll be sending additional updates as we finish up session and in the coming weeks to highlight key policies that may be of interest or have impact on all of you.