Transformative Power of Community College

May 31, 2024
I recently gave the commencement address at CT State Community College - Naugatuck Valley to inspire students to battle through adversity, reach for the stars, and follow their dreams. I shared my journey, which includes graduating from Naugatuck Valley, overcoming obstacles, and pouring every ounce of energy toward advancing my education and my career. It was an honor to be a part of this celebration considering the student body selected me to be the keynote speaker at the graduation ceremony.
Community colleges hold a transformative power of setting students on a course toward success. They provide an accessible and affordable (in some cases free) pathway for individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue higher education and acquire valuable skills. By offering a range of academic and vocational programs, community colleges cater to the unique needs and goals of their students, whether they seek to transfer to a four-year institution, enter the workforce directly, or advance in their current careers.
Community colleges all over Connecticut also have strong ties to local industries and employers, providing students with practical, hands-on training and internship opportunities that enhance their employability. These partnerships ensure that the curriculum remains relevant to the current job market and that graduates possess the skills needed by local businesses.
Now that these students have earned their hard-earned degree, they are trying to figure out their next steps just as I did when I graduated from Naugatuck Valley Community College. As an alumnus, I understand what they’re going through and want to guide them in the right direction. I owe it to the school and my professors for opening my eyes and setting me up toward a 36-year career in manufacturing. I hope this cycle continues in perpetuity especially in Waterbury.