Celebrating Juneteenth

June 19, 2024

Today we celebrate Juneteenth, a federal and state holiday commemorating the end of slavery and honoring the incredible contributions the Black community. June 19, 1865, marks the day Union troops arrived in Galveston, Texas to announce that more than 250,000 enslaved black people in the state were free.

Juneteenth is important because it reminds us of what African Americans had to endure. The holiday also allows each generation to reflect on what more there is to do in order to progress and develop as a country. Juneteenth should be a rallying call for all of us to think about the meaning of freedom.

I was happy to support a couple of Juneteenth celebrations in Waterbury last week including one at Library Park and another at Fulton Park. Let's spread the spirit of unity, freedom, and joy together as we honor the significance of Juneteenth and celebrate the rich tapestry of African American culture.