Honoring Joseph Hayne Rainey

June 21, 2024

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Friends and neighbors,

On this day, June 21st, we honor the birth of a remarkable figure in our history: Joseph Hayne Rainey. Born in 1832 in Georgetown, South Carolina, Rainey’s journey from the depths of enslavement to become the first Black person to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives is nothing short of awe-inspiring. His life and legacy are a powerful reminder of the resilience and determination that define our community and our fight for justice.

Rainey's pioneering work in Congress, which began in 1870, set a precedent for future generations of Black leaders. His unwavering commitment to civil rights and equality has left an indelible mark on our nation, paving the way for so many of us who continue the fight for justice today.

As your State Representative for the 140th district here in Norwalk, where I was born and raised, I am truly inspired by Rainey's legacy. His story fuels my dedication to advocating for our community and ensuring that the values of equality, justice, and opportunity for all remain at the forefront of our work.

Today, let us honor Joseph Hayne Rainey’s immense contributions by recommitting ourselves to the values he championed. Together, we can continue to build a future where every voice is heard, and every person is treated with dignity and respect.
Here's to continuing the work we’ve started and striving to make our district and nation a beacon of hope and equality for all.

With determination and hope,

As always, feel free to call me at 1-800-842-8267 or email me at Travis.Simms@cga.ct.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Also, please like my official Facebook Page for regular updates.


Travis Simms
State Representative


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