Big News for Derby Revaluation

May 9, 2024

I have some big news for our district! I and the Derby state delegation, in collaboration with Mayor Joe DiMartino, have been able to secure a one year, state-approved delay for revaluations in Derby, giving the new city administration time to get new construction onto the tax rolls before conducting revaluation. This is a critical move to help stabilize local taxes, one we’re proud to write into law for Derby.

I know Derby needs this breathing room, and I’m happy we could make it happen. I want to thank Mayor DiMartino and his staff, who have been very easy to work with and have been with us every step of the way collaborating on this effort. Mayor Joe knew the “feisty four” of the Derby delegation (as Governor Lamont calls us) would get it done for the people of Derby.

I want to specifically thank Speaker Matt Ritter, Rep. Nicole Klarides-Ditria, and Senator Cabrera for their support on this.

As the session continues, I will keep you all updated on additional funding and policy news that touches your lives.