Funding Secured for Youth Music Organization

May 17, 2024

A youth music education center is opening in a brand-new location in Stamford! I'll break down how the state funding I helped secure is hitting all the right notes by supporting young musicians in our city.

I rolled up my sleeves at a free community food giveaway on Monday. Keep scrolling to see pictures as folks in need received a much-needed meal.

Hundreds of immigrants made their voices heard in a march to the Capitol. Please look below to learn what vital changes they are advocating for that directly affects our community.

This weekend, Stamford will remember and honor all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice while bravely serving our country. I'll let you know where you can pay your respects at a Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony on Sunday.

Here are the sections of today's email:

  • Youth Music Organization Opens in New Location!
  • Handing Out Free Food to Those in Need
  • Immigrant Day March and Rally
  • Honoring Our Amazing Nurses
  • A Call to Action for Haiti
  • Memorial Day Parade
Youth Music Organization Opens in New Location!
I am proud to deliver $75,000 in state funding to INTEMPO as it opened its new headquarters on Franklin Street in downtown Stamford. INTEMPO is a music education and youth development organization dedicated to providing accessible music education to children in Stamford, Norwalk, and other nearby communities.
We have a great time listening to the kids perform at the new facility!
Representative Hubert Delany and I secured the funds for the new 4,500 square-foot space, which now includes a designated tutoring room, pre-k room, piano room, audio production room, as well as rooms for classes and private lessons. The state funding will also foster innovative programming and educational opportunities for children who would otherwise lack these resources.
With this relocation, INTEMPO will join seven other nonprofits as tenants operating within the headquarters of Inspirica, a nonprofit addressing homelessness.
Handing Out Free Food to Those in Need
I had the privilege of meeting the incredible staff and volunteers at Foodshare who are feeding those who need it most. It was an honor to speak with dozens of members of our community, hear their stories, and provide a little boost on Monday at Union Baptist Church on Newfield Avenue in Stamford. They lined up for much-needed food and a free meal, courtesy of the mobile Connecticut Foodshare pantry.

It was a pleasure to speak with constituents and to see their vision for the 148th district. Thank you to Connecticut Foodshare and the staff for their continued effort to feed those in need throughout the state.

Immigrant Day March and Rally
Advocates marched to the State Capitol on May Day calling for more legislation supporting our immigrant population. I stood with them, community leaders, nonprofits, and other allies who are calling for a humane immigration system, the expansion of Husky healthcare for all immigrants, equitable education, and just cause for all evictions.
Immigrants, like me, come to the United States for a better opportunity at success. We owe it to them to provide the best foundation for success. I pledge to support legislation that would achieve that goal.
Honoring Our Amazing Nurses
Not all heroes wear capes, some wear scrubs. Thank you to the thousands of nurses here in Connecticut for their hard work and dedication to our patients!
In the spirit of National Nurses Week, I recognized Jasmine Godley from Norwalk Hospital for the Nightingale Award for Excellence in Nursing. Jasmine embodies the highest ideals of care, delivering extraordinary service to patients, families, and colleagues daily. Her unwavering commitment to providing compassionate care sets a shining example for all.
Jasmine consistently demonstrates understanding and compassion towards patients, going above and beyond to ensure their physical and emotional wellbeing. Her approach fosters harmonious teamwork, empowering her colleagues to provide excellent care that exceeds expectations. She serves as a true advocate for patients, ensuring they feel supported and valued throughout their healthcare journey.
A Call to Action for Haiti
I was pleased to stand with several of my colleagues, in support of the Haitian community, who visited the state capitol seeking greater visibility and representation. Their perspectives, experiences, and contributions enrich our collective dialogue and strengthen the fabric of our democracy. 

The local Haitian community is hoping Connecticut can be a leader in fighting for equitable funding from the federal government. The group is calling for $600 million, which would be crucial in providing immediate relief and long-term solutions to address the root causes of Haiti's challenges.

The funding would support education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic development in Haiti. By investing in these areas, it can create a foundation for lasting change and help break the cycle of poverty and vulnerability that has plagued the nation for far too long. 

Memorial Day Parade
Stamford's Memorial Day Parade will take place this Sunday, May 19. Please come out and recognize our brave men and women who have bravely served our country!
The parade will start at 12:00 P.M. followed by a ceremony in Veterans Memorial Park an hour later. If there is inclement weather on that day, the parade take place on Sunday, June 2.