Protecting our Air and Environment

July 28, 2022


clean air act


Last week I was honored to join Governor Lamont and my legislative colleagues as we marked the enactment of the Connecticut Clean Air Act. I am proud to have cosponsored this legislation, and I believe that this new law represents our government’s commitment to combat the climate crisis, and our journey to a more sustainable future.


While work at the federal level to step up the fight against climate change has been slow at best, here at the state level, House Democrats supported policies during the 2022 legislative session that will help cut our carbon footprint, promote environmental justice, and protect the health of Connecticut residents.

With Congress still negotiating climate policy and the Supreme Court actively harming efforts to cut carbon emissions, my colleagues and I took the lead on working to combat climate change and protect our environment by passing S.B. 4, AN ACT CONCERNING THE CONNECTICUT CLEAN AIR ACT.

The Connecticut Clean Air Act

S.B. 4 works to improve the quality of our air and environment by enacting the following measures:

  • Establishes funds to reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas in order to improve air quality;
  • Makes it easier for consumers to reduce their carbon footprint by increasing access to rebates and vouchers to buy electric vehicles;
  • Assists municipalities and businesses with the purchase of electric vehicle charging stations;
  • Improves air quality by reducing the allowable emissions emitted by medium and heavy-duty vehicles.