3/22/21 Newsletter: Tax Deadline Extension, Eversource Scam, Vaccine Update

March 22, 2021
Did you know that 750 million people lack adequate access to clean drinking water? Every March 22nd, we celebrate #WorldWaterDay to highlight the importance of fresh water.

Fresh water may seem like no big deal, but as we have seen time and time again, it’s critical we protect our water supply. One more recent concern is the PFAS (per- and polyfluroakyl) chemicals used in firefighting foam. There are two bills this session that could address these concerns.

SB 926: AN ACT CONCERNING THE PRESENCE OF PFAS IN CERTAIN CONSUMER PACKAGING. To prohibit the sale of consumer packaging that contains PFAS. 

Click here to read more.

And, SB 827: AN ACT CONCERNING THE USE OF PERFLUOROALKYL OR POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES IN CLASS B FIREFIGHTING FOAM. To prohibit the use of firefighting foam containing PFAS for training purposes and establish a take-back program for such products. Click here to read more.

Additionally, saving water is always a good idea and here are some ways you can take action and save our water supplies.

Tax Deadline Extension

The tax deadline has been extended! Both the federal income tax and the state income tax deadlines have been extended from April 15th to May 17th. 

Criminal Justice Reform Testimony
This Wednesday at 10:00am, join me in testifying for S.B. 6: An Act Concerning Domestic Violence and Criminal Justice Reforms and also S.B. 1060: An Act Concerning Court Proceedings Involving Allegations of Coercive Control Occurring Between Household or Family Members (aka Jennifers' Law).

This bill is being heard in the Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, March 24, at 10:00am via Zoom. The public hearing can be viewed via YouTube Live. In addition, the public hearing may be recorded and broadcast live on CT-N.com. Individuals who wish to testify via Zoom must register using the Online Testimony Registration Form. Registration will close Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 23 at 3:00 pm.

Register to Testify Here
Eversource Scam
Be on the lookout for spam calls claiming to be from Eversource. Scammers have been calling and warning Connecticut residents of a disconnection order for nonpayment. This is a scam. Head to eversource.com or call 800-286-2000 if you have questions about your account status.
Rep. Kavros DeGraw joins Bi-partisan Fire and EMS Caucus 
I am proud to join the Bi-partisan Fire and EMS caucus and work across the aisle to ensure the safety of our first responders. The caucus will focus on will specific public safety issues that these individuals navigate on a daily basis. A priority of the caucus this year is assisting with the recruitment of more women to become first responders and I look forward to joining the cause.

Vaccine Update

Beginning last Friday, March 19th, individuals aged 45 to 54 were be able to begin the scheduling process for the COVID Vaccine.  Eligibility for 16 years old and up is tentatively scheduled to begin for this age group on Monday, April 5. 

Find the closest available clinic here ct.gov/covidvaccine or by calling 877-918-2224.

If you have trouble scheduling the vaccine, please reach out to me at eleni.kavrosdegraw@cga.ct.gov

The CDC does still recommend, that everyone, including those fully vaccinated, continue to wear masks and practice social distancing when in a public place or at a social gathering with unvaccinated people from multiple households. The reason for this recommendation is the increasing rate of infection by variant strains. The CDC also strongly recommends avoiding medium and large sized gatherings, as well as extensive domestic or international travel. 

So far, 62 percent of Connecticut’s population over the age of 55 has received at least one dose, including:

  • 78 percent of those over the age of 75;
  • 74 percent of those between 65 and 74; and
  • 46 percent of those between 55 to 64.