Danbury responds to infection spike

August 25, 2020
I joined with Governor Lamont, Mayor Boughton and my legislative colleagues this morning to outline Danbury's response to the recent spike in coronavirus infections. Danbury's infection rate reached about seven percent as compared to less than one percent statewide.
Press conference outside Danbury City Hall, Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Among the steps being taken to slow the spread of COVID-19:
  • Schools will begin the academic year via distance learning until at least October 1
  • Most public spaces, such as fields and the town and state boat launches are closed
  • WCSU and NVCC also starting school year online

Why has the virus spread in Danbury?
         The increase in infections has been traced to several sources:

  • People who returned to Danbury after international travel or travel to a state considered to be high risk
  • Summer sports
  • Large social gatherings
  • The extended power outage after Tropical Storm Isaias

What you can do:

  • Get tested
  • Afterwards, stay home until you get a negative result
  • If the test is positive, self-quarantine and cooperate with contact tracers
  • Isolate as much as possible

Practicing the recommended health guidelines remains the best approach to leveling the spike and slowing the spread of COVID-19. I want to thank the Governor for helping to get the word out.