Newington Delegation Secures $500,000 for Streetscape Improvements

July 21, 2020

Members of the Newington Legislative Delegation including State Senator Matt Lesser (D – Middletown), State Representative Gary Turco (D – Newington), State Representative Rick Lopes (D – Newington), and State Representative Kerry Wood (D – Newington) are pleased to welcome $500,000 in bond funding for streetscape projects help revitalize Newington's business districts and streetscapes to improve them for pedestrian use. Enhancements include the installation of sidewalks, granite curbs, street lighting, addressing existing drainage issues, and the removal of impediments and pedestrian safety hazards.

The State Bond Commission approved the funding during a meeting Tuesday, July 21.

“As we begin to recover from the devastation caused by the COVID-19 crisis, it is critical to invest in economic development to help our community and state face the fiscal challenges that lie ahead. The revitalization of Newington's business districts, which funds will be included on the State Bond Commission’s July 21 meeting agenda, will help grow Newington’s economy by attracting business and well-paying jobs and will also improve the quality of life for residents,” said Rep. Turco. “I would like to thank Governor Ned Lamont for including these projects on the Bond Commission agenda and for creating opportunities for economic growth despite these difficult circumstances.”

“I’m thrilled to announce this critical funding for Newington. Our delegation has worked effectively with the Governor to deliver investments in infrastructure and relieve the burden on local taxpayers," said Senator Lesser.

"This commitment to the betterment of our streetscapes is great news for Newington. I look forward to seeing how this funding will be used to fix some of the roads in our town," said Rep. Lopes.

"Once again I am proud to have worked with our delegation and Governor Lamont in securing this much-needed funding towards infrastructure in Newington which comes with the added bonus of no burden to taxpayers," said Rep. Wood.

Newington has prioritized building walkable communities consistent with the town's historic character and included improving pedestrian access to retail shopping and public services in its 2010-2020 Plan of Conservation and Development. Enhancing Newington streetscapes is expected to attract business, which will help grow the town's grand list, bring well-paying jobs to the area, and improve the quality of life for area residents.

