Legislative Updates for the Month of June

June 6, 2024

One of my priorities in the legislature has been to focus on the shortage of healthcare professionals in the state. In 2023, I introduced a bill which, among other provisions, creates an 11-member task force to develop a plan to establish clinical placements at state facilities for nursing students at public and private higher education institutions. This is why I am thrilled that Connecticut is launching a new program that will expand health care to underserved communities and forgive the student loans of healthcare workers.

The Connecticut Student Loan Repayment Program incentivizes eligible health care providers to practice full-time in underserved Connecticut communities for at least two years by offering up to $50,000 in student loan repayments.

You can find information about eligible health care jobs for this new statewide initiative here.

This great program will recruit and retain new health care workers, forgive the student loans of these essential professionals, and reduce health disparities across our state - a major win for all Connecticut residents.

Great News: Connecticut's Bond Ratings Improved
Celebrating Memorial Day

I was proud to participate in events in Byram, Glenville and Old Greenwich this Memorial Day weekend.

Below are some thoughts I shared at the Glenville Memorial Day Ceremony:

As we stand here on this Memorial Day, I'm reminded of my father-in-law. He was a two-star general in the Indian army. When he shared his experiences with us – like many people who have served – he always spoke about the good times; the adventures he had at the military academy, the camaraderie and lifelong friendships he made, and the postings in different parts of India and in Asia, that allowed him to see and experience the beauty of different lands and cultures.

But there was a notable omission in his stories — he never once complained of the dangers he faced, the threats that loomed, or the long periods he spent away from his wife and sons. It was a selflessness, I think, that is a hallmark of people who serve.

Reflecting on this brings me to our gathering here today. I immigrated to this country at the age of eight. Even then, I saw the United States as a beacon of freedom, a land where liberty and justice were not just ideals but lived realities. The fact that we all enjoy these exceptional privileges is because they have been safeguarded by the valiant efforts and sacrifices of our men and women in the armed forces.

So today, as we remember the fallen, let us also honor the spirit of those like my father-in-law, for whom serving his country was a profound honor, and who embody the quiet, steadfast commitment to duty and service, often at great personal cost. These are courageous people. Heroes.

And to those who have laid down their lives for this nation, we owe a debt of gratitude that words can scarcely convey.

To all of you, your bravery and dedication uphold the values we hold dear. they are the glue that binds us together, and the epitome of what makes America great.

We are forever grateful. Thank you.

Stamford Legislative Briefing

It was a pleasure to meet with constituents and friends in Stamford for a legislative briefing with Representative Blumenthal.

Celebrating Pride Month

I was thrilled to celebrate the start of Pride Month at Pride Day in Greenwich. I am committed to protecting the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, to make sure that all the residents of our town and state are treated equally and are safe from discrimination, and especially so our children can thrive in safe and inclusive spaces. I stand with the LGBTQ+ community as an ally now and forever.

Juneteenth Celebrations in Stamford & Greenwich
Fourth of July Celebrations in Stamford & Greenwich
Learn more HERE.
Learn more HERE.