The 2024 Session Has Ended

May 9, 2024

Dear Neighbor,

It’s a wrap! After a packed week, yesterday was the end of session. I'm proud to say we passed a bipartisan spending stabilization plan that ensures our two-year state budget's historic tax cuts are protected, respected our fiscal guardrails, and used federal ARPA money for vital needs. I will tell you more about this and other important bills we passed in the next few newsletters.

Today, I want to tell you about an important piece of legislation that passed out of the House last Friday, and was voted out of the Senate yesterday. It is an act concerning early childhood care and education. As I’ve noted in previous e-blasts, high-quality and affordable early childhood care and education contribute to a robust economy and help ensure the success of families and future generations.

Childcare in Connecticut is expensive, one of the most costly in the country. That’s  why we crafted and passed a bill in the House to make childcare and early childhood education more affordable and accessible.

This House Priority Bill:

  • Creates the “Early Childhood Care and Education Fund,” to be used for childcare and early childhood education programs
  • Invests in teachers and assistant teachers in state-funded school readiness and child care programs
  • Seeks more public space for housing early childhood education programs
These are sound investments in our state’s future and will go a long way toward helping parents earn a living and provide for their children’s care and education.

I was proud to speak in favor of this bill and to see it pass with bipartisan support.

Great News For Central Middle School
On Tuesday, we were pleased to learn that the Greenwich state house delegation’s efforts resulted in a 20% reimbursement for building a new Central Middle School. This has been an urgent priority since the building was condemned and temporarily closed due to unsafe structural conditions in February 2022. We now have an opportunity to build a state-of-the-art school that will address the needs of our town and families for many decades to come. Congratulations, CMS families!
Want to Know the State Candy
Childcare Advocacy Day
Last week, I was proud to stand with the Early Childhood Alliance and childcare providers. We are working to address the crisis of early childhood education in our state.
Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive From Neighbor to Neighbor

Neighbor to Neighbor will host a food drive on the morning of Saturday, May 11, where you can leave a bag of non-perishable foods by your mailbox and it will be delivered back to Neighbor to Neighbor by your mailbox.

You can learn more at the Greenwich Free Press or Donate Here.

Join The Delegation for a Post-Session Legislative Briefing
Friends of Byram Park Cleanup
RSVP Here.
Memorial Day Event
Wear Orange Day - Gun Violence Prevention
Greenwich Pride 2024
Juneteenth Celebration