We Are #AvonStrong, Climate, Coffee, And Conversation In Canton Saturday

April 24, 2024

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Dear Neighbor,

This week, we were in session yesterday and today and will be in session tomorrow. Today, the House passed the Paid Sick Leave bill that has been worked on and compromised over for the last few years. Workers will have to earn their sick days based on how long they work for their employer. More details to come, but I wanted to make sure to mention it.

This Saturday morning, I’ll be in Canton at Little Oak Café at 9:30 for some coffee and climate conversation (I almost said conservation)! I hope you’ll have time to stop by, but if you don’t, our after-session coffees will most likely take place in June in Avon and Canton.

Saturday is also the National Prescription Drug Takeback Day. There are locations listed below in both towns. You must dispose of unused medications properly so they don’t end up in the hands of minors.

While I can’t list all of the bills that have passed so far, you’ll find a lengthy list and a link to find others below. In the past week alone, I’ve passed a bill for the Secret Lake Association (that covers both towns), a bill to convey land from the state to the Town of Canton, passed the legislation to once again require fences around pools so children don’t drown, and passed a bill to ensure that volunteers on Inland Wetlands Commissions receive training so they can be effective in their roles.

We have many more bills to go and not a lot of time, but I’m looking forward to continuing to work hard with my colleagues over the next two weeks that are left, and I appreciate you emailing me about the bills that matter most to you.

Have a great week, and enjoy the beautiful spring flowers,


We Are AvonStrong#
You probably know by now that there was a fire in Avon Place (the apartment complex near the Reggio Magnet School) this week. Please consider donating gift cards to Avon’s Social Services. Those gift cards will be given to the affected families. Thank you very much for considering. We are #AvonStrong!
To help out, the Avon Town Council is hosting a Clothing Drive at the West Avon Congregational Church Hall, 280 Country Club Road, today, Thursday, and Friday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Children and adults need clothing. Please consider donating if you can.
Climate, Coffee, And Conversation Saturday In Canton
Please join me on Saturday for Climate, Coffee, and Conversation at Little Oak Cafe in Canton, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
I hope to see you there.
Bills That Have Passed So Far In This Session 
Today we passed HB5005, An Act Expanding Paid Sick Days In The State. We passed several bills in the House on Tuesday, including:

HB 5146 - Requires financial institutions to provide certain financial records to the Commissioner of Social Services or any person deputized by said commissioner within twenty calendar days; and provides that certain actions taken concerning such financial records shall not constitute a class C misdemeanor.

HB 5149 - Allows beer manufacturer permittees to sell and deliver kegs of beer at locations in this state that are within a five-mile radius of their permit premises, package store permittees to provide fee-based spirits tastings, and Connecticut craft cafe permittees to sell additional alcoholic beverages manufactured in this state.
HB 5237 - Requires student surveys as part of the evaluation of private career schools during the process for renewal of a certificate of authorization.
HB 5257 - Provides that the owner or keeper of a dog shall be jointly and severally liable for any dog causing damage to the person or property of another person.
HB 5288 - Aligns state law with federal law concerning service animals, and within available appropriations, makes available through the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities educational materials concerning service animals, emotional support animals and therapy animals.
HB 5308 - Allows an absentee ballot applicant, who is a patient in a nursing home within six days immediately preceding the close of the polls at an election, primary or referendum, to designate someone to deliver an absentee ballot to such applicant.
HB 5317 -  Requires a study concerning the funding for and effectiveness of the Community Gun Violence Intervention and Prevention Program.
HB 5343 - Establishes a Connecticut prepaid college tuition program, procedures related to such program and a related account.

HB 5379 - Promotes efficiencies in the duties undertaken by state marshals, the State Marshal Commission and the State Marshal Advisory Board.
HB 5381 - Clarifies under which circumstances an officer shall not pause body-worn recording equipment.
HB 5466 -  Permits the prosecution of an elections-related crime during the period of time prescribed by the statute of limitations, or the period of time ending six months after the date of referral by the State Elections Enforcement Commission of a complaint, statement or evidence concerning such crime, whichever period of time ends later.
HR 14 - Proposes approval of an agreement between the University of Connecticut Board of Trustees and the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 6950.
HR 15 - Proposes approval of an agreement between the State of Connecticut and the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC).

For a complete list of bills we've passed this session, please click

Solar Funding Headed To CT For Low-Income Residents
Connecticut has been awarded a $62.5 Million grant from the highly competitive Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. The funds will be used for solar projects benefitting low-income residents.️
You can learn more, 
National Infertility Week
Did you know the World Health Organization estimates that roughly 1 in 6 people worldwide are affected by infertility? This does not include the many LGBTQ+ couples and those who choose to parent without a partner who may need assisted reproductive medical treatments to start and grow families.
Let's support, uplift, and advocate for those on their journey towards parenthood. You're not alone!
Saturday is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
**Please note: In Avon, the Police Department, 60 West Main Street, and Senior Center, 635 W. Avon Road, are designated drop-off locations for the town.
2nd Capital Matchmaker Event In June 
4 Small Things
We celebrated Earth Day on Monday but there are things we can continue to do to preserve our forests, and the environment while taking care of ourselves.

Eleni Kavros DeGraw
State Representative

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