Statewide Spending Plan Approved & Upcoming Vote on Windham Budget

May 10, 2024

The legislative session has come to an end, and it has been an honor serving you in the 49th District. It is such a privilege to work alongside all my legislative colleagues, staffers, advocates, lobbyists, and the general public to make our great state that much better.

I am grateful for your feedback and advocacy because without hearing from you, we cannot make better statewide policy. Please keep coming forward with ideas so my colleagues and I can be more informed and do a better job representing you. 

We passed a statewide spending plan about 24 hours ahead of our final deadline. I'll break down how it supports Windham.

We took a deep dive on my weekly radio show into what's at stake in next week's town budget vote. Read below to learn when the polls open and to get a better understanding of what you'll be voting on.

It's a sure sign of spring once Opening Day takes place for our Willimantic Little Leaguers. Keep scrolling to see who threw out the first pitch of what's sure to be an exciting season!

Here are the sections in today's email:

  • Bipartisan Spending Stabilization Plan Passes
  • Let's Talk About It: Budget Referendum
  • First Pitch for Willimantic Little League
  • 30 Years of Specialized Dual Language Education
Bipartisan Spending Stabilization Plan Passes
I'm proud to say we passed a bipartisan spending stabilization plan that will ensure our two-year state budget's historic tax cuts are protected, and we invest in the priorities that matter to you

Remember, the two-year budget includes:

  • The Largest Income Tax Cut in State History
  • Investments in Public Education
  • New supports for the IDD community
  • Expansion of Debt-Free Community College
  • Improved Safety Net of Programs

We used remaining federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to provide support to some important priorities such as:

  • Higher Education - $160 million
  • Early Childcare - $21.8 million
  • Mental Health - $24 million
  • Nonprofits - $50 million

All that and we are putting more than a billion dollars into the state's Rainy Day Fund and paying down pension debt.

I am proud to report that Connecticut is set up to succeed financially in the present as well as the future. 

Let's Talk About It: Budget Referendum
Windham’s town manager joined my weekly radio show “Let’s Talk About It” to remind everyone to vote in the budget referendum on Tuesday, May 14. Jim Rivers broke down the process in drafting a budget in a collaborative fashion. He also revealed the proposed budget calls for a small tax increase but not at the rate of inflation over the past three years in our community.
Polls will be open at your usual voting location from 6:00 A.M. – 8:00 P.M. Click on the video below to learn how organizers create a budget and how the mill rate and property values affect the entire process.
Windham Town Manager digs deeper into Tuesday's budget referendum.
First Pitch for Willimantic Little League
The Willimantic Little League season is underway! Hundreds of kids ran on the diamond last Saturday for Opening Day at Lower Legion Field on Quercus Avenue. I was excited to join the organization's board of directors for a picture on the field including President Joe Clauson.

My radio co-host Dennis O’Brien, who is an avid baseball fan and coach, threw out the first pitch to a rounding applause! PLAY BALL!

30 Years of Specialized Dual Language Education
I was proud to join Senator Mae Flexer, Mayor Tom DeVivo, and Windham Public Schools as we celebrated a major educational milestone last weekend. This spring marks 30 years since the start of the Compañeros program. Current and former students of the dual language curriculum were at Jillson Square Park for the celebration!
The Compañeros dual language program is for Pre-Kindergarten to eighth grade. It is comprised of nearly 50% English dominant and 50% Hispanic students.
Learn More about Compañeros