House Passes Paid Sick Days Legislation

May 1, 2024

Though most workers in Connecticut currently earn paid time off from their jobs, unfortunately there are still many employers who do not offer this critical benefit that is important to sustaining a productive healthy workplace.

This is why House Democrats led the way in passing legislation (HB 5005) last week to allow for the accrual of paid leave, up to 40 hours each year, for those working at least 120 days annually.

Businesses that already offer this minimum standard of paid time off are exempt from the bill.

There has been a cultural change in the workplace since the COVID-19 pandemic where we don't want our coworkers showing up to work sick and exposing others. This legislation promotes better public health outcomes while allowing workers to care for themselves or a sick loved one without adding personal financial stress.

HB 5005

At the request of the business community, the measure will be phased in for employers with 25 employees or more in 2025, 11 or more in 2026 and 1 or more in 2027. Again, it is important to emphasize that businesses that are already offering at least 40 hours of paid time off each year are exempt from this legislation. It is estimated that over 85% of Connecticut workers already earn paid time off.

The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration, and with passage there and the support of Governor Lamont, we expect this important policy to become law.

“The legislation approved by the House today strikes an appropriate balance between protecting our workforce while also enacting safeguards for small businesses to ensure that this right is not being misused. I encourage the Senate to approve it so that I can sign it into law," the Governor said.

You can read an article on the House passage of this Paid Sick Days legislation from CT Mirror here.