State Capitol Update For The Week of April 12

April 12, 2024

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Dear Friend,

This is my State Capitol update for the week of April 12. 

If you prefer to watch rather than read, click the image below to hear about the issues contained in this newsletter.

Here’s a list of today’s topics: 
  • EPA Awards Issued to Reduce Carbon Pollution and Invest in Green Environmental Infrastructure. Click here
  • Legislative Kickball Game. Click here
  • Upcoming Events. Click here.  
EPA Awards Issued to Reduce Carbon Pollution and Invest in Green Environmental Infrastructure
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that $5 billion from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund are being awarded to the Coalition for Green Capital, a consortium of organizations from throughout the country that includes the Connecticut Green Bank.
The Connecticut Green Bank will use the funding to catalyze public-private investments in the creation of environmental infrastructure in vulnerable communities to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower energy costs for consumers, and increase resilience against climate change. Priority projects will include infrastructure in areas such as green schools, green school buses, green homes, green municipal and commercial buildings, green resilience hubs, land conservation and climate-smart agriculture, and other types of environmental infrastructure.
With this funding, the Coalition for Green Capital will partner with and expand an economically self-sufficient ecosystem of green banks, including the first-in-the-nation Connecticut Green Bank and community partners. By providing co-investment opportunities and other services as a national green bank, the coalition will accelerate the recycling of capital to maximize benefits.
This investment will stand up a first-of-its-kind national network that will finance tens of thousands of climate and clean energy projects across the country, especially in low-income and disadvantaged communities. Specifically, the EPA is awarding the grants as part of the act’s National Clean Investment Fund and Clean Communities Investment Accelerator.
For more information on the Connecticut Green Bank, visit
Third Annual CGA Kickball Game 
The Third Annual CGA Kickball Classic will be held on Monday, April 15. Come cheer us on as Democrats and Republicans come together to raise awareness and funds for some great causes. The game will be played in Dunkin Donuts Stadium in Hartford. Click here to purchase tickets. 
Northwest Corner Events
ICYMI - Upcoming Events
Spring Cleaning at Judea Garden

Judea Garden, also known as The Giving Garden, grows and distributes organically grown produce to our neighbors in need. Help us get our 16th season off to a good start by getting the garden ready for the season and maybe even getting some seeds in the ground. New volunteers welcome! There will be an event tomorrow, April 6, at 1 pm. Click here to learn more. 

Biodiversity Talk at Sharon Historical Society on April 11

An illustrated talk with Michael Nadeau and Michelle Alfandari on biodiversity will be presented at the Sharon Historical Society, Thursday April 11 at 7pm

Mike Nadeau is one of New England's leading authorities on creating sustainable and ethical landscapes. Mike has extensive experience creating meadows and restoring tired, degraded land to health and productivity

Michelle Alfandari is the co founder with Doug Tallamy of Homegrown National Park, a grassroots effort to regenerate biodiversity and ecosystem function by planting native plants.

Annual Roadside Cleanup -Thursday, April 18th –Sunday, April 21st

Take part in Washington Environmental Council’s Annual Roadside Cleanup Event. Trash bags will be available for pickup at Washington Town Hall and a dumpster will be out in front for receiving the collected trash. Thank you for keeping Washington beautiful! Click here to learn more. 

Virtual Speaker Series – Pollinator Pathways - Thursday, April 18th 

John Markelon, President of the Litchfield Land Trust, will share how to establish pollinator pathways in your backyard. Steep Rock Association gratefully acknowledges National Iron Bank as the primary sponsor for this conservation education program. This event is free and open to the public. Click here to learn more.

Restaurant Week Is Coming to Washington!

We are excited to share news about Washington Restaurant Week starting on Friday, April 19th! Local restaurants will be featuring special menus, fabulous tastings, live music, and special pop-up galleries on site for a chance to enjoy an arts and dining experience. Click here to learn more. 

It is my honor to represent our district. I look forward to hearing from you about the issues raised in this newsletter, or any other topics you think I should know about. You can email me at or call me at (860)-240-8585. Thanks for reading, and I wish you a safe weekend.

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Maria Horn
State Representative


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